S.No | Diploma Level Programs | Year of Start | Sanctioned Intake |
1 | Diploma in Computer Engineering (D.C.M.E) | 1987 | 60 |
2 | Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering (D.E.C.E) | 1987 | 60 |
3 | Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (D.M.E) | 1987 | 60 |
Curriculum and Its Salient Features
The Revised New Curriculum i.e., Curriculum-2020 (C-20) is Approved by BoG of the State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET), Andhra Pradesh for its implementation with effect from 2020-2021.
Salient Features:
- Duration of Course or Programme is either 3 Years/ 3-1/2 years duration of Regular Academic Instruction.
- The Curriculum is prepared in Semester Pattern . However, First Year is conducted as year-wise Pattern
- 6 Months of Industrial Training is Introduced for all the diploma-level programmes except Chemical and Metallurgy Programmes.
- Candidates who wish to seek admission in any of the diploma courses will have to appear for the Common Entrance Test for admission into Polytechnics (POLYCET) Conducted by SBTET,AP, Vijayawada.
- For admission into i) DHMCT ii) D.Pharmacy programmes, the candidates need not appear for POLYCET. A separate notification will be issued for these programs.
- A minimum of 75% attendance is required to appear for the end examination in all subjects.
- Condonation of shortage of attendance up to 10% may be granted by the principal on Medical Grounds.
- Candidates having less than 65% attendance shall be detained.
- Each Theory Subject Carries 80 marks with an Examination of 3 hours duration along with 20 marks for internal evaluation. In the case of I year students three unit tests will be conducted out of which the best two unit tests, average marks are considered for internal evaluation. For III, IV, and V semesters two unit tests will be conducted and unit tests average marks are considered for internal evaluation
- Each Practical Subject Carries 60 marks with an Examination of 3 hours duration along with 40 marks for regular practical work done.
- In case of Industrial training, 200 marks for two spells of assessment, 30 marks for Maintenance of Log Book, 30 marks for training Record and 40 marks for Seminar/Viva-Voce.
Academic Callenders