Internal Complaints Committe
The Institution has the responsibility to sensitive employees regarding sexual harassment issues by organizing and conducting workshops and seminars. Under the Anti- Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act the central government requires the organizations to implement the following:—
- Dissemination of the policies against sexual harassment,
- Carrying orientation programs for the members of the Internal Complaints
- Conduct skill building programs for the members of the Internal Complaints Committee,
- Puli1ish names and contact details of the members of the Internal Complaints Committee for the easy access by employees of the
- The Institution may invite legal practitioners, representatives of NGOs, organizations that have worked on issues that are related to women’s rights or human rights for such orientation programs on sensitizing sexual harassment.
The aim of the committee is to allow every woman employee to pursue her work in a safe and dignified environment and to protect women against any form of harassment or gender discrimination and to provide a means of redress should such cases arise.
- To organize several programmes to enhance the confidence level of girl students for their empowerment in the society.
- To counsel and solve the personal and academic related problems of
- To pay special attention on Safety and Security & exploitation related
- To bring about attitudinal and behavioral change in adolescent youth of the female
- To provide a working I living harassment free atmosphere by identifying and fixing responsibility on concerned persons for ensuring equal treatment of and participation by women in all areas.
- To create awareness about women’s welfare laws and counseling
- To develop multidisciplinary approach for the overall personality development
- To prevent sexual harassment and to promote general well-being of female students, teaching and non- teaching women staff of the College
- To create awareness on equal opportunity for women this will ultimately lead to improved attitude and
- To empower the Women’s in multi disciplinary approach
The aim of the committee is to allow every woman employee to pursue her work in a safe and dignified environment and to protect women against any form of harassment or gender discrimination and to provide a means of redress should such cases arise.
- To enquire the complaints received from female students or staff of the college
- To conduct various gender sensitization programmes.
- To organize the health awareness program, solves women related issues and complains
- To organize the self-defense courses for the women/girls of the college community
- To conduct Women’s Day Program, create social awareness about the problems of women and in particular regarding gender discrimination
- To deal with issues of Gender Based Violence
- To impose penalty or punishment
- To deal appropriately with reported cases of sexual harassment, abuse or discrimination, and initiate action against particular grievances in respect of unfair treatment due to gender bias
Formation of Internal Complaints Committee (WPC)
As per the provision of the Section 4 (20 of the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, Government Polytechnic,Srikakulam has formed the Internal Complaint Committee (WPC) in the College to look into the matters pertaining to the Gender sensitive issues and curb atrocities against women.
Organizational Structure
The organizational structure of Internal Complaint Committee (WPC) in the College is as follows:
The Chair Person is at the helm of affairs organizing the entire individual Sub-Committees. The members of the ICC are allotted specific duties for organizational ease:
Legal Aspects:
There are several stringent rules, regulations and guidelines prescribed for mandatory implementation in the educational institutions against sexual harassment of women at work place under (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013). The following is the prescribed code of conduct as per the ACT in order to curb the serious criminal offence of sexual harassment:
Sexual harassment can be broadly defined as incidents of direct physical contact, demand for sexual favors, or implied Eve- teasing, unsavory remark,jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment, innuendos and taunts,gender based insults or sexiest remark, unwelcome sexual overtone in any manner such as over telephone , touching or brushing against any part of the body and the like,
displaying filthy pornographic or other offensive or derogatory pictures or gestures, forcible physical touch or molestation, physical confinement against one’s will and any other act likely to violate one’s privacy or any hostile or intimidating act.
Constitution: (WPC)
The Committee shall consist of following members:
- The Principal as the Chairman
- Convener of the Committee nominated by the Principal as the Member Secretary - Ex-officio One senior female faculty from each Department to be nominated by HODs
- One external member form the society
- Two girl students from each Department to be nominated by HODs
- The number of members can be increased equally by adding nominees of the Principal . The total number of members of the Women Protection Cell however shall not exceed
The purpose of this Committee is to provide protection to the women in professional environment and prevention, redressed of complaints of sexual harassment.
Working Rules for Internal Complaints Committee (WPC):
In pursuance of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 and the Rules framed there under, Government Polytechnic, Srikakulam adopts the procedures detailed hereunder for processing the complaints filed to the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and adequately address the issues so that natural justice and fair play prevail in disposing off all the complaints. The ICC reserves the right to modify the procedures under exceptional cases and conditions:
An aggrieved woman needs to lodge a formal written complaint within a period of fifteen days in instances of sexual harassment.
The received complaint shall be forwarded to the Presiding Officer immediately, who will notify the Committee members within three days.
The Committee shall decide the jurisdiction and issue notices within 7 working days to get written explanations within 10 days.
Before initiation of any action, the Committee may work out reconciliation between the offender and the aggrieved and record the same extending copies to both the parties.
If conciliation is found to be not feasible, notice will be issued to both parties for hearing.
- The Committee shall conduct an enquiry into the complaint in accordance with the provisions of the rules covering sexual harassment as misconduct.
- The Committee shall provide reasonable opportunity to the aggrieved woman and the respondent for presenting and defending her/his case.
- After examining all the available evidences and accusations and defenses, the Committee shall arrive at the intensity of the crime and makes recommendations to the Principal regarding the scale of
Constitution of the Enquiry Committee:
The Enquiry Committee is a part of the Internal Committee with the specific function of conducting the enquiries and making recommendations. The following parameters could be followed in the constitution of the Enquiry Committee. The chair person, three members from the faculty, two women and a man shall be the regular members.
The Process of Inquiry:
In general the following is the procedure of inquiry
- A notice shall be issued to both parties asking them to make written explanations within 48
- The process of oral hearing starts after receiving the written explanations, including witnesses
- The enquiry commission is entitled to ask probing questions to arrive at the facts.
- Additional witnesses may also be summoned
- No outsider will be allowed during the process unless warranted .
The decision of the committee will be final and binding.
Disciplinary Actions:
The Disciplinary actions to be implemented depend on the gravity of the offence and may include the following:
- A strict Warning
- Written explanation & Written apology
- Declaration of good behavior
- Suspension for a specific period of time Penalties
- Issuing TC
- Any other appropriate measure as may deem fit.
Internal Complaints Committee(ICC)
No. | Name of the Member with Designation | Role | Phone Number | Email ID |
2 | D SRINIVAS, HCMES | MEMBER | 9490343778 | |
9010149992 | |
4 | MPS MURALI KRISHNA HGS | MEMBER | 9440586187 | |
5 |
MEMBER | 7780496919 | |
6 |
P. MAHESWARA RAO , Office Suptd., |
MEMBER | 7981901470 | |
7 |
MEMBER | 7989768776 | |